Category: Community

SKIP in Ptown

SKIP Ptown

During the town’s stay-in-place order, Provincetowners have come together by staying apart while still helping one another. The Soup Kitchen in Provincetown (SKIP), which serves amazing food all winter long, has extended its season to at least April 24 because of COVID-19. Volunteers have been cooking and distributing meals (regular or vegan) in to-go boxes at a drive-thru at the Methodist Church from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. 

Rear Admiral Donald MacMillan

macmillian house

There’s some working happening in the house in which Rear Admiral Donald MacMillan (1874-1970) lived at 473 Commercial St. in Provincetown. The town’s wharf is named for its most famous resident—McMillan was an arctic explorer, geographer and naturalist who, despite all his travels, lived close to where he was born.